Psychotherapy for Multicultural Couples

Two Cultures One Soul

Online couples and individual psychotherapy for people living in culturally mixed worlds.

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In Sunbirds we specialise in online therapy.
Our patients are usually expats, multicultural couples, or people working in international environment.

Individual, highly-specialised psychological and psychotherapeutical support

We help our clients and help them improve their relationship, learn new ways of interacting with each other while being empathic and patient. Couples we work with, but also individuals, experience a whole range of difficulties - with a main focus on multicultural, biracial, intercultural couples facing their unique challenges. We help them face these difficulties and actively support you on your way to a happy, fullfiling life.

We have worked with many people for whom the multicultural environment is the background of their everyday life. It is sometimes less and sometimes more important in the difficulties they experience. Although sometimes we don’t even realize the impact it has on us and our decisions.

Get to know us better

We help with...

Multicultural challenges in a relationship

different view on gender roles, values and beliefs, perception of partners behavior

Parenting challenges in multicultural families

different parenting styles, ways of communicating with child, parenting goals

Family Relationship

bridging the gap between not only cultures but also generations i.e. with in-laws

Communication issues

various styles of communication and ways of expressing emotions, negative communication patterns, different language of love, misunderstandings

Frequent Conflicts

quick escalation of conflits, different emotional responses to conflict, different conflict resolution styles, inability to solve occuring problems leading to accumulation of problems

Emotional distance

frequent pursue-withdraw cycles, high level of stress, lack of balance, unmet needs

Infidelity & betrayal

the act of engaging in emotional or sexual intimacy with someone outside the agreed-upon boundaries of your marriage or relationship.

Trust issues

jealousy, excessive control, insecurity, neediness, or constant reassurance-seeking

Separation & divorce

for couples considering splitting or separating

Health Issues

Mental health issues in a relationship or somatic diseases that influence relationship

Learn more

“Wyjechałam z miłości, a teraz mam depresję. Miałam tyle nadziei i pomysłów w związku z nowym życiem, a boję się wyjść z domu. Myślę, że bardzo tęsknię za domem i rodziną. Czy to normalne?”
Emila z Hamptons
“Teoretycznie wszystko ze mna ok, spełniam swoje marzenia, ale ciągle się czegoś boje i dużo rozmyślam o tym co by było gdyby… Jestem tym zmęczona.”
Natalia z Bali

Jeśli takie rozterki towarzyszą Ci na co dzień, to jesteś w dobrym miejscu. Sunbirds to pierwsza poradnia, która dostrzega trudności osób w parach mieszanych, czy osób próbujących się odnaleźć w międzynarodowym środowisku. Prowadzimy także terapię osób cierpiących z powodu braku bliskości i partnera.
Let's start

Our clients

You are an expat that moved to another country and you:

  • you miss your loved ones
  • you feel lonely and isolated
  • you have problems adapting, e.g. at work
  • you don’t speak the language, which generates additional problems
  • you are afraid of flying
  • when you return to your home country, you experience culture shock again
  • you feel depressed and a sense of lack of belonging
  • you have difficulty maintaining stable relationships
  • you often travel, move around and see a dissonance between what you know and like about travel and the fact that you are tired of it


If your partner was raised in different culture and:

  • you feel lost in the cultural differences that you notice between the two of  you
  • you don’t get along with your partner or in-laws, who are generationally and culturally different
  • in a conflict situation with your partner, you have difficulty controlling your emotions – you shout or quickly withdraw
  • you feel overwhelmed by too many responsibilities
  • you have difficulty saying no when your partner asks you for something
  • you strive for perfection in many aspects of your life and demand it from others
  • you sacrifice your needs so that others feel good
  • you have been to couples therapy and the therapist recommended that you go for individual therapy
  • you feel that you repeat the same patterns in different relationships, e.g. with your partner, children, parents, friends


If you live abroad and :

  • you often feel anxious and lonely
  • you are afraid of various things, e.g. flying planes
  • you worry about your health
  • you think a lot, but it rarely ends with taking action
  • you feel sad and have no motivation to do things that are harmful
  • you reach for stimulants – alcohol or drugs
  • you are uncomfortable in relationships with other people
  • you do not get along with other people in your environment – at work or with friends who are culturally different
  • you were in couples therapy and were advised that the participants of individual therapy

What can therapy change in your life?

Zastanawiasz się, co może się zmienić
poprzez pracę z psychoterapeutą? Sprawdź:

  • you can learn to name what you need and talk about it without fear – in relationships with friends, family, partner or at work
  • you can understand better your reactions in different situations, thanks to which you will regain peace, balance in a relationship and other relationships
  • you can learn whether what you are doing, how you are acting is good for you, e.g. you will stay where you are or return to your country, drawing strength from the perspective of the future
  • you can improve the quality of your life – instead of sadness or fear, there will be more joy and peace
  • you can feel joy from simple everyday activities and have the strength to take on challenges
  • you will have a chance to learn to know that you can act when you want and you can refuse when you don’t want to
Choose your therapist


below you will find what our clients testimonials


Ania always gave me full attention and always felt that I my problems were taken seriously. Today I know that it was one of the best decisions in my life.

Changes began to appear during therapy, our relationship with my wife improved. I began to be more attentive to my wife's emotions and needs, but also to talk about my own. This contributed to a big change in our lives. We were finally ready to move on and start a family.

I recommend working with Ania. First of all, because she approaches the problem in an unconventional way and it seems that she used all possible methods to help me. Thanks to this, we succeeded.

Origins of Sunbirds

Why are we called Sunbirds? Where did the idea come from?

The terms Sunbird and Snowbird originated in the United States and refer to people migrating north or south, depending on their need for warmth or coolness. Hence – in translation – snowy or sunny bird. The clients of our clinic are such wanderers and seekers of their own space, another home, and sometimes also themselves, in the most distant corners of the globe.

At Sunbirds we also invite you to take a journey. A journey that connects two worlds, seemingly contradictory – the world of heart and mind, logic and emotions. Although slightly different than the one you already know so well. One in which, regardless of where you are, whether on a beautiful sandy beach in Bali or in frosty Scandinavia, at home or away from home, … you can find inner coherence between what your emotions tell you and what logic suggests.

So if you also identify with being a Sunbird, we also invite you to join us on Instagram, where we write more about the experiences of people who find themselves, or don’t, in this mosaic mix of cultures.

Anna Skrzypiec
Owner of Sunbirds, psychotherapist
