You can contact us regardless of where you live, travel often. We operate online, so you can use our help anywhere in the world.
For expats
We provide therapy in both Polish and English. We help you cope with the challenges of living in a cultural mix.
Online psychotherapy
- how can I prepare?
Online psychotherapy allows you to connect with a psychotherapist using any device with Internet access – computer, tablet or phone. You can schedule a session from home or wherever you are. All you need is silence and a good Internet connection. To make the meeting comfortable and efficient, prepare yourself accordingly:
Before the session
Before your first session, familiarize yourself with Skype. If necessary, install it and run it beforehand, which will allow you to check if everything is working properly. Make sure you have good and working headphones, check if the microphone works.
2. Private environment
Choose a space in your home that provides peace and privacy. Let your family know that you will be having an online meeting and ask that no one disturbs the peace during it.
3. Prepare tools
Just check before the session whether the laptop (or tablet or phone) you will be using is charged and in working order.
4. Check the Internet connection
If possible, use a fast internet connection. The quality of the connection will improve by placing a Wifi router near it or connecting to the router with a cable. You can also try setting up a hotspot on your phone and connecting to it with your laptop.
5. Have your phone near you
In case of technical problems or a broken connection, have a mobile phone handy, which you can use to contact your therapist. Do not stress over technical problems, which are normal and can happen.
6. Prepare your comfort zone
Make sure you are comfortable during your session. Sometimes all you need is a comfortable chair, a blanket and a cup of your favorite tea.
7. Stay calm
If you encounter additional technical difficulties, please contact us by e-mail or phone - we will help 🙂