Sunbirds was created to help
multicultural couples
that need professional therapy.

Clients who come to us experience difficulties with the challenges that multicultural couples encounter. We help them deal with them and actively support them on their path to a happy life.


Sunbirds' mission is to support individuals and couples in regaining joy in life and strengthening their bond.

How Sunbirds originated?

About the idea

The terms Sunbird and Snowbird were created in the States and refer to people migrating north or south, depending on their need for warmth or coolness. Hence – in translation – a snowy or sunny bird. The clients of the office are such wanderers and seekers of their own space, another home, and sometimes also themselves, in the most distant corners of the globe.

At Sunbirds I also invite you to take a journey. A journey that connects two worlds, seemingly contradictory – the world of heart and mind, logic and emotions. Although slightly different than the one you already know well. One in which, regardless of where you are, whether on a beautiful sandy beach in Bali or in frosty Scandinavia, at home or away, you can find inner coherence between what your emotions tell you and what logic suggests.

Anna Skrzypiec
Sunbirds Founder, psychologist and licensed psychotherapist


Online Psychotherapy at Sunbirds

Why it is ok to start online therapy?
  • because you have therapy at hand, from your couch, from anywhere in the world. Accessible and flexible therapy, which you can also have late or early hours. Discreet and anonymous.
  • because in a safe and comfortable online environment you can calmly work on yourself, on problems that have been going on forever, but have intensified due to, for example, a clash of cultures
  • because you will feel understood and listened to by someone who knows the problems of culturally mixed environments


Anna & John

The online couples therapy we attended really helped us during a difficult period in our relationship. Thanks to the help of our therapist, we understood the source of our conflicts and learned to deal with our emotions more effectively. This therapy was a breakthrough for our relationship, which brought us deep harmony and happiness 🙂
Kate & Thomas

I am so grateful that we decided to go to therapy. Our relationship was on the verge of collapse, but thanks to our therapist, we managed to save it. We went through difficult conversations that helped us rebuild trust. This experience gave us tools that we now use to maintain a healthy relationship. I recommend this place to anyone who needs support in their partner life.
Margaret & Lucas

Thanks to the work we did in therapy, our relationship is now much stronger and more harmonious. We are closer than ever before, and our life as partners is much better. When a crisis comes, we know what to do.