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Parenting & co-parenting among expat couples
Children being raised in a multicultural environment can experience many wonderful moments, learn multiple languages, get to know and experience the beautiful diversity of the the world. However, the process of raising children in different cultures has its challenges. Parents who have different cultural backgrounds encounter unique challenges that impact the quality of the relationship, their bond between children and family life.
Discrimination can manifest in various forms – racial discrimination, religious discrimination, sex orientation discrimination. There are also many places where children can experience discrimination whether that’s witnessing or experiencing discriminatory. behaviors. So it’s important that parents learn to recognise and understand the process of discrimination, work with children on their self-confidence.
Environment challenges
Parent lack the support from both sides of the family. You have to deal with many things on your own, without help of the “whole village” – cousins or grandparents. Parenting between expats can be more demanding, and you may lack opportunities other families around you have.
Different parenting styles
The biggest challenge is differences in parenting when it comes to cultures. There has been some difficulties when it comes to parenting that stem from your personal experiences as a child. For example, in American culture people are allowing children from a very young age to be independent or create safety through schedules and routines. On the other hand, in India co-dependent parenting and no schedules.
What will change with psychotherapy?
- You will learn to communicate,
- You will learn to manage your emotions,
- You will learn ways to deal with difficult situations,
- You will learn techniques that help reduce tension
How does it work?
Contact us and sign up for an initial consultation. An initial session with a therapist will allow you to define expectations for the therapy and outline a path of action that will help you alleviate challenges.
After the first session, you will decide whether to continue couples psychotherapy and begin a series of regular sessions.